The case of the Scala Coeli landfill lands in the European Commission. Tridico (M5S): “The behavior of the Region must be verified”


By John

The case of Scala Coeli landfill arrives in European CommissionThat Pasquale Tridicohead of delegation of Five Star Movement to the European Parliament, asked to know, with a written response, whether it sees “violations of European law on public health and what actions it intends to undertake” to protect the populations concerned; whether the Commission has started or wants to start a specific “BAT monitoring” and, furthermore, how it evaluates the policy of the Calabria Region “on waste compared to EU Directives”. Tridico’s act calls into question the responsibilities of the Calabria Region, “in the interest – explains the MEP – of the local communities, to safeguard public health and the environment in a territory that has long been guiltily abandoned”. The story dates back to 2010, with the regional authorization to build the landfill in question and with a subsequent, in 2019, the expansion up to 600 percent of the size. The Calabria Region, which according to the administrative judge had exceeded in the exercise of its functions, allowed the abnormal expansion of the plant, despite, as is recalled in the question: «the rejection of the de-ownership of state property auctions by the State Property Agency , confirmed by the Superior Court of Public Waters”; «the negative opinion of the Technical Evaluation Structure and the regional Agriculture department»; «the absence of seismic authorization and the subsequent construction of illegal works». MEP Tridico explained to the European Commission that «the landfill is located in an agricultural area with certified organic production and traditional cattle breeding»; that in 2022 the deliveries began «in violation of the Aia regulations, with improper access through the Patia stream and without a functioning leachate treatment plant»; that, «on 22 June 2023, a massive leak of leachate, through illegal pipes, contaminated the surrounding area, flowing into the Ionian Sea». «Given the obstinate inaction of the Calabria Region – comments Tridico – it will be up to the European Commission to deal with the case, also taking into account that the exceeding of the threshold concentrations of contamination of iron, manganese and sulphates has already been certified».