The situation in the shipbuilding industry in the Messina area is dramatic, where “historic companies risk closing and a thousand workers losing their jobs”. This is the complaint from Fiom Cgil Sicilia and Messina after the meetings of the last few days at the construction sites in the area, also in view of the renewal of the national employment contract.
«Realities of great crisis have emerged»say the secretaries of Fiom Sicilia and Messina, Francesco Foti and Daniele David who announce the presentation of a dossier on the situation of the individual construction sites which they intend to present to the institutions – the Municipality, the Region and the Prefecture – together with the request for the opening of a table from which a concrete commitment arises to defend production sites and jobs”.
The two union representatives state: «At the Palumbo shipyard there was an industrial plan that included investments and hiring, but it was never implemented. The construction site is in a state of abandonment and the Port Authority announces that from 2026 it may no longer be eligible to continue the activity. Furthermore – Foti and David point out – having been split into a spa and an LLC, the workers, even with the same job, have different treatments”.
At the Strait Shipyards “Most of the activities are carried out under contract and many contractual violations are incurred, such as the failure to apply the Meta Salute institute.”
Critical issues too at Liberty Lines “where – say Foti and David – we are still waiting for a meeting with the company for the claim platform presented by Fiom Messina”.