White smoke for the Calabrian interns. At the end of a very long parliamentary marathon, Montecitorio’s budget commission approved the amendment to the budget just before midnight yesterday, with the Forzista MP being the first signatory. Francesco Cannizzaro and after him the other blue representatives Giuseppe Mangialavori, Giovanni Arruzzolo and the Northern League member Simona Loizzo, which concerns the large audience of Calabrian temporary workers classified as Tis (social inclusion trainees) and former ministerial trainees.
The proposal approved in the Chamber concerns first of all the Tis basin, i.e. those 4 thousand workers who have been working within local authorities for almost 10 years, carrying out fundamental functions for the administrations. Thanks to this further rule, the Tis will be able to be hired as supernumerary workers, in derogation of the personnel requirement plan and the hiring constraints established by current legislation, even with simplified procedures, using (in addition to the resources already allocated by the State with specific authorization provided for by the previous amendment) as well as the resources that the Calabria Region will be able to make available to encourage the stabilization of these personnel.
«The amendment – explains the blue Cannizzaro – also authorizes the extension for a further 12 months of the so-called former ministerial interns, contracted thanks to a 2021 law, introduced with an amendment also signed by the undersigned, as well as by the current Calabrian governor , Roberto Occhiuto. Also in this case, it is a very large audience, more than a thousand workers who work mainly at the ministerial offices present in the territory of the Calabria region (see Ministry of Culture, Justice, Education)”. The extension in question will be financed with the resources made available by the relevant Ministries, which will be able to continue to make use of the staff who play a valuable role in their respective territorial offices. «This collective effort by the entire Forza Italia team, which thanks the members of the Budget Commission and the Government concerned – concludes Cannizzaro – is yet another demonstration of how much we care about the fate of these thousands of Calabrian fathers and mothers , which we certainly have no place in these complex situations. This is a further big step towards the stabilization of this staff, which is part of the broader path traced by the Occhiuto Council in the fight against precarious employment in Calabria. It is a moral duty towards all these Calabrians, but also towards the future of our region.”
In particular, the amendment states verbatim: «The public administrations referred to in article 1 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 185 of 2001 may proceed with permanent employment, including with part-time employment contractsalso making use of the selection procedures referred to in Article 16 of Law 56 of 1987, also in derogation, until 31 December 2026, of trainees included in the social inclusion paths aimed at unemployed people already receiving derogatory mobility benefits , created following the framework agreement on the criteria for access to social safety nets in derogation in Calabria, year 2015-2016, signed between the Calabria Region and the social partners on 7 December 2016, as well as the recipients of the Program Agreements referred to in the resolutions of the Calabria Region Council nos. 258 of 12 July 2016 and 404 of 30 August 2017, as supernumerary workers, to the personnel requirement plan and the hiring constraints established by current legislation, within the limits of the resources allocated pursuant to the paragraph 3-quinquie, without new or greater burdens on public finances”. With the amendment, a period is then added which reads: «By decree of the Ministry for Public Administration in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, the unused resources referred to in this paragraph are reassigned for the years 2024, 2025 , 2026, to the Calabria Region to be allocated for the same purposes. The Calabria Region is authorized to increase the resources referred to in this paragraph with its own resources, paid for by regional finance”.
Another provision of the amendment then provides that the workers referred to in Calabria Region law 40 of 2013 (Lsu-Lpu) and those referred to in regional law 31 of 2026 (Socially useful workers, public workers who have left the basin regional and passed into companies that provided public services on behalf of local authorities and companies owned by local authorities that were declared bankrupt or dissolved due to mafia infiltration and put into operation liquidation) «can be hired, up to a maximum of 70 units by the user administrations based in the regional territory, on a permanent basis, even with part-time employment contracts, even in derogation, until 31 December 2016, as supernumerary workers , within the limits of available resources, from the resources allocated by the Calabria Region, paid for by regional finance”.