University of Messina, Giovanni Moschella makes his candidacy as Rector official: “A University that unites in respect and dialogue”


By John

Even the prof. Giovanni Moschella has formalized his candidacy as Rector of the University of Messina for the six-year period 2023-2029 by making known his program which has as its primary objective that of restoring to the university institution the role of free community of thought, committed to the qualified training of our students and in the cultural and socio-economic growth of the area. The rejection of conflict and any form of discrimination and exclusion, democratic discussion and the participation of all members of the academic community characterize our idea of ​​University.

Towards a “university city”. Regarding the relationship between University and territory, I intend to promote, in constant dialogue with local institutions and social partners, all the necessary actions so that Messina becomes an authentic “University City” and not just a “City with University”.

Institutional reforms. We have an ambitious program of reforms inspired by the principles of democratic participation and loyal collaboration: the review of the decision-making procedures of the Academic Senate, with the introduction of a deliberation method “with request for review” to encourage dialogue between the Senate and Departments; the reform of the electoral system, aimed at ensuring more adequate representation for the student component and technical-administrative staff; the provision of the consultative referendum and the “General States” of the University to maximize the active participation of the academic community; and, finally, the experimentation of the “University participatory budget”.

A transparent and efficient administrative organization.Start of module Also due to the events that have recently affected our University, I believe that the principle of transparency must be at the center of the action of the governance, to guarantee the utmost clarity in administrative decisions and resource management. To this end it is necessary to work on a clearer distinction between the political-academic and administrative bodies, also to enhance the high potential of skills and professionalism of the technical-administrative staff. Furthermore, it is necessary to promote a culture of respect for the individual, strengthening the measures already in place also regarding non-discrimination and gender equality, with particular attention dedicated to working conditions, also with the aim of encouraging flexible working methods, and to staff welfare policies.

The structures. Much has been done in recent years to increase and adapt the building stock, but there is a need for rapid completion of the renovation works already underway. The objective is to return all available spaces to the university community, improving their functionality. A leap in quality is also expected in the management of the facilities, moving from emergency interventions to serious routine maintenance policies and the carrying out of careful monitoring to ensure that maintenance does not hinder daily activities, ensuring a work and study environment. of a high standard for students and staff.

The strengthening of the teaching and training offer. My goal is to further improve and strengthen the teaching and training offerings of the University of Messina, increasing the attractiveness of the degree courses and dynamically responding to the demands of the job market. I propose, in particular, an increase in postgraduate programmes, including doctorates and masters; the development of degree courses in decentralized locations, ensuring sustainability and improvement of current conditions; the enrichment of the teaching offer in English, attractive for foreign students; the adoption of measures aimed at tackling student dropout, with a support and orientation plan, which includes, among other things, a remodulation of the CFU for the first year of the course.

Interventions in favor of research. As regards research, it is necessary to have a strategic vision, research as a driver of growth and attraction of resources. We need to aim for greater investment in interdisciplinarity and in supporting the talent of researchers, aiming to increase the visibility and impact of scientific research, intensifying the acquisition of research funds, with particular attention to European and international funding.

The Polyclinic. The University must continue to represent a fundamental point of reference for the territory and for the citizens. In this perspective, the central role that the university hospital plays must be underlined due to the high scientific and professional value of its operators and the impact that the healthcare activity has on the territory and on the protection of a fundamental right of citizens such as that of health. . For this reason I believe that, after the tensions and divisions of these years, a phase of serenity is necessary that allows us to work with confidence and tranquility on scientific research and healthcare activities. The objective to be pursued is to start a shared path between all the parties involved, which makes the university hospital a truly attractive center for Southern Italy.