Waste tender, controversy continues in Catanzaro


By John

There would not yet be the management determination to revoke the tender on waste management. In fact, until yesterday afternoon, more than twenty-four hours after the address act with which the Municipal Council identified the conditions for the self-regulation cancellation of the tender and its subsequent revocation, the offices would not have followed up on the political will, causing no small amount of discontent and still some concern among the Sieco workers directly affected by the errors that made the tender a political issue. And thus exposing the Council itself to further criticism. The reasons behind the lack of administrative definition of the revocation need to be understood, however the feeling is that this will still arrive today.

The revocation, although strongly desired by the mayor Nicola Fiorita and the majority area closest to him, will not, however, serve to quell the controversy on the issue: the tender contained errors whose repercussions would have been entirely the prerogative of the workers and the political and technical consequences of the issue will have to be addressed. In the City Council session on Tuesday, the spotlight of responsibility was placed on Giorgio Arcuri, councilor for the Environment, and on the director of the Environmental Hygiene sector, Antonio Dominianni.

And on the subject, yesterday, Sergio Costanzo, minority city councilor for Forza Italia, who had already protested heatedly against the announcement on Tuesday, returned: “Either there was a political error and therefore our friend Giorgio Arcuri did not pass the first real test of the management skills of this administration and must leave his post immediately, or there was a technical-bureaucratic error on the part of the sector offices and therefore the manager who exposed the Municipality and the entire city to a bad image in addition to endangering the jobs of several families from Catanzaro, must be removed from his post, moved to another sector and his actions reported to the evaluation unit”.