Work, Occhiuto: in Calabria we will have the law to have former RDC earners trained and hired by large companies


By John

In my Region we are preparing a legal measure, which will be called ‘Build Calabria’, in which we will invest 30 million euros of community resources on active labor policies, to give large players such as Webuild, Autostrade, Anas or RFI the opportunity to hire former recipients of citizenship income and unemployed Calabrians, training them, and thus avoiding that training is carried out by entities that in Calabria as in other Italian regions have never trained a single profile useful for the labor market”.

The president of the Calabria Region said it, Roberto Occhiutospeaking at the Forza Italia convention underway in Paestum.

“We will also give the same resources to companies that want to train the unemployed Calabrians to make them work in smart working or coworking.
We want to demonstrate that by spending resources well we can create jobs, even in the South.”