65-year-old mushroom farmer missing in Gambarie, searches underway


By John

The Alpine and Speleological Rescue Calabria – CNSAS was alerted today evening – Wednesday 9 October – by the Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza of the Cosenza station and by Fire Brigadefor a mushroom farmer missing in the Rumia lake area – near Gambarie – (Aspromonte National Park).

The 65-year-old man had left his home this morning to go looking for mushrooms. In the early afternoon (around 3.00 pm) his cell phone and the GPS device he had with him ran out of battery. There has been no news of him since then. The family members of the 65-year-old also alerted CNSAS Calabria.

The technicians of the Aspromonte Alpine Rescue Station are engaged in the research.

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