A conflict between Russia and NATO in summer 2025: Bild’s rumors about a ‘classified’ German document. The Kremlin: “Hoaxes”


By John

A «secret document» from the German Ministry of Defense which outlines in detail a possible “path to conflict” between Russia and NATO is revealed on its website by Bild, the popular German newspaper. «Month by month and with precise localization, the Russian and Western actions are described which will culminate in the deployment of hundreds of thousands of NATO soldiers and the imminent outbreak of war in the summer of 2025», writes the newspaper, summarizing the document «Classified – For Official Use Only».

The Kremlin: “Hoaxes”

Bild «does not hesitate to write hoaxes, so I would prefer not to comment». This is how the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, responded to those who asked him for a reaction to an article in the German newspaper according to which the Berlin Defense Ministry has drawn up a secret document on a path towards a possible open conflict between NATO and Russia. This was reported by Russian agencies.