«I hope that in execution of the mandate of the International Criminal Court Benjamin Netanyahu be arrested soon and a path can be quickly resumed peace. It is not just us who hope for this but also many citizens Israelis fed up with their extremist government and eager to live in peace». In an exclusive interview with Futurethe president Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas addresses the hot topics in Middle East and throw to International community a series of proposals to address the War in Gaza and overcome tensions in the area. It is the first interview granted by «Abu Mazen» after 7 October 2023.
Among other things, on December 12 and 13 the president Palestinian will be in Italy to meet Pope Francisthe president Sergio Mattarella and the head of government Giorgia Meloni.
«I can’t wait to meet the Dad. For me he is a friend – he repeats Abu Mazen several times during the long conversation with Future -. I can’t forget that historic event he promoted in Vatican when he called, for the first time in our history together, us, i MuslimsThe Jews hey Christians to plant an olive tree in his gardens for the peace. Every day we welcome his invitation to pray to our only one God for him.”
In the interview, Abu Mazen also talks about the role ofItaly. “We thank the friendly Italian government and the Italian people for their support in achieving the peace in accordance with international laws, respecting the legitimate rights of the people Palestinian – he states -. We greatly appreciate the generous gesture ofItaly in helping numerous children injured following the attack Israeli“.
Abu Mazen he also says that «Trump wants it peace. If anything, the problem is that among those around him there are those who don’t want it. He listens to them Israelisbut listen to us too.” «After he won the electionsI spoke to him for a long time – he says -. It was a very positive conversation. We spoke as if between two friends. In the previous mandate, every time we met we agreed on everything. Trump has a good relationship withSaudi Arabiaand we equally share a lot with Riad and we appreciate their mediation.”
As regards relations with i Arab countries and the possible agreement between Saudi Arabia And Israelthe president Palestinian emphasizes that “theSaudi Arabia has repeatedly expressed his vision to achieve the peace in Middle East and it implies the recognition of Palestinian state. The latter is already recognized by United Nations. THE Palestinians they will undertake to achieve their independence once an agreement is concluded with the USA».
Abbas it also touches on the question of the role and plan presented to the Dad by the former prime minister Israeli Ehud Olmert: «Once the prime minister and I were alone Olmert. And he asked me: ‘We want to make agreements peace with i Arab countriesdo you agree?’. It was, he explained to me, an agreement between the Syria and Israelmediated by Turks. I replied that we certainly had nothing against it. ‘Then you have to help me – he added – because Bush Jr. is against peace Of Israel with the Syria».
«I went to meet Bush and I convinced him of the opportunity it offered Ehud Olmert and, so, the negotiations continued – he continues Abu Mazen -. Then unfortunately there was the accident with Turks of ‘Freedom Flotilla (in 2010 a flotilla of small ships of pro activists Palestine start from Türkiye to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza was intercepted by special forces Israeli who killed 9 activists, ed.). And so the negotiations broke down following the withdrawal of the mediators Turks. It is a story that I have never told but which says a lot about the great potential of a negotiating approach.”