Administrative: Saverio Russo elected in Nocera Terinese, Davide Zicchinella wins in Simeri Crichi


By John

In addition to Rosarno where the new mayor is Pasquale Cutrì, there were two other municipalities in Calabria in which yesterday and today they voted for an extraordinary round of administrative elections: these are Nocera Terinese and Simeri Crichi (Catanzaro), which returned to the vote after the commissionership phase for the dissolution due to mafia infiltration. TO Nocera Terinese he was elected as the new mayor Saverio Russo (“Free to Choose”), which he passed Sonia Rocca (“Rebirth for Nocera”), e Antonio Macchione (“Nocera Project”). TO Simeri Crichi Davide Zicchinellaformer mayor of Sellia, has established himself at the helm of «Cambiamo Simeri Crichi». Luigi Talarico (“United for Simeri Crichi”), e Giuseppe Canistrà «(“Simeri Crichi nel Cuore).