The president of the Aspromonte National Park, Leo Autelitanowas removed from office by decree of the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto-Fratin. At the basis of the provision is highlighted the «serious criticality from the organizational and management point of view of the Institution regarding the granting of a permit for voluntary mobility of 9 staff units out of 20 employees in the workforce, under an unchanged finance regime in accordance with current legislation. legal provisions, the Park Authority being included among the Administrations subject to legislation on turnover, with consequent limitation of hiring capacity”. Furthermore, in the ministerial decree it is highlighted that «the aforementioned acts integrate violations of mandatory rules established to protect the organization of the Park Authority and the related financial resources, to be applied to the overall public expenditure as well as to safeguard the functionality of public offices, in compliance with the principles of optimal use of human resources and rationalization of personnel expenditure in view of the efficiency of administrative action, in line with the principle of good administration”.
With the same provision, the Minister of the Environment appointed the architect Renato Carulloformer head of cabinet of the Regional Council of Calabria as extraordinary commissioner of the Aspromonte Park Authority for a period of six months.