Bad weather in the next few hours in Calabria, especially in the Crotone area and in the Ionian area of Cosenza. In fact, the Arpacal Multi-Risk Functional Center has issued a unified alert message for today, 26 September 2023, which provides yellow alert throughout Calabria, excluding Crotone and the province and the Ionian coast of Cosenza for which it is foreseen the orange alert. Even strong thunderstorms are expected, with frequent electrical activity due to cooler currents at altitude which could give rise to some thunderstorms.
Schools closed in Crotone along with parks, gardens and cemetery
Following the Orange level alert issued by the Regional Civil Protection, again for today 26 September, the mayor Vincenzo Voce has convened the Coc (Municipal Civil Protection Operations Centre) which will remain operational 24 hours a day, with men and means, in order to monitor the situation and intervene if necessary. As a precaution, the closure of all schools of all levels and, again for today, the closure of parks and gardens, the city cemetery and Papanice. Citizens are advised to exercise maximum caution and collaboration. To report any emergencies 0962 – 921700.