«We must decisively distance ourselves from a law, the one on differentiated autonomy, which risks widening inequalities and making people who are already in great difficulty poorer.. This is why it will be necessary to collect as many signatures as possible and, above all, to then go, in the event of a referendum to repeal the law, to vote massively, thus blocking the great damage that such a law risks causing in the South and even more seriously in regions such as Calabria where, among other things, in many fields and sectors, everything is already precarious, unstable and not up to standard”.
This was supported by the general secretary of Uil, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, who on the Roccella seafront in Calabria inaugurated the awareness campaign aimed at women and contained in a slogan with a clear meaning: “Yes to women’s autonomy and no to differentiated autonomy”. In recent days, the initiative and the collection of signatures were launched by the general secretary of Uil Calabria, Mariaelena Senese, present in Roccella alongside the national leader Bombardieri.
“Only those who live in the South and in particular in Calabria – Bombardieri added – can understand and touch with their own hands how much distance still exists, especially in the public health sector, with the structures of Northern Italy. A gap that can also be found in services, in education, in the possibility of finding work, in safety even in the workplace and many other sectors. These gaps, among other things, are very large and no longer tolerable, should also convince the presidents of the Southern Regions, regardless of their political color, to take action to prevent a worsening of these conditions. I hope, therefore, that the governor of Calabria, Occhiuto, continues to fight a battle that takes into account the situation, far from rosy, that is experienced in Calabria. This is clear for all to see”.