Calabria, the Abramo Customer Care business branch has been sold: here's what's changed


By John

The sale of part of Abramo Customer Care does not convince the unions. Above all due to the low number of workers it would involve compared to the current contracted ones. This is why the national secretariats of Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl and Uilcom Uil have asked the commissioners and the Ministry for Business to convene an urgent meeting to discuss the dispute which affects a thousand workers in Calabria.
Yesterday's news at the center of the debate is the sale of the Abramo Customer Care business unit, which manages the Tim order, to the consortium made up of Enosi Holding srl and Steel Telecom srl. What leaves the unions perplexed are the numbers communicated by the commissioners Federica Trovato, Silvia Bocci and Tiziano Onesti to the workers' representatives. Of the current 1,000 Abramo employees employed on various orders and in three different sites (Crotone, Settingiano and Montalto Uffugo), just over 200 will move to the new company. According to what was announced by the commissioners, in fact, Enosi Holding and Steel Telecom «through the binding purchase offer, intend to take over the ownership of the contract relating to the client Tim which involves the transfer of a number of workers equal to 90 call center operators, 14 team leaders and 125 collaborators, in addition to the company assets”.
«Accepting this condition – was the comment of Andrea Ranieri of Uilcom Uil Calabria – means for us accepting a defeat. We are absolutely willing to listen to any type of solution but this must consider the entire company perimeter and not a small part of workers. Also because the feeling is that these are not corporate “possibilities” but precise choices, which do not convince us. We will ask the national committees for clarification in this sense.” The commissioners also provided useful information on the contract offered by the two purchasing companies, which should start in July. It is therefore «a part-time employment model of 4 hours per day for employees, with the exception of resources classified as team leaders, also in order to achieve the objective of maximizing the number of hirings, while maintaining a structure sustainable costs”.