In Germany the CDU is ahead with 29.5% (it was 28.9% in 2019). Followed by the ultra-right Afd with 16.5 (11%), the SPD with 14 (15.8), the Greens with 12% (20.5%), the Fdp with 5% (5.4 ), BWS (Sara Wagneknecht's new movement) with 5.5%, and Linke with 2.8. This is what emerges from the exit polls published by the public broadcaster Ard.
Afd leader celebrates victory, record result
«The game is over and we have a super result, a record result. We have almost 50% of new voters in Europe.” She said it Tino Chrupalla, the leader of the German ultra-right AfD, in Germany, commenting on the first exit polls, which show AfD overtaking the Social Democrats with 16.5% at 14. «We are ahead of the Chancellor's party, ahead of the Greens and the Liberals of Fdp. And we also want to win the next elections in Germany,” he added.
Austria, Fpo at 27% becomes the most important political force in the country
The far-right FPO party is leading the European elections in Austria, according to exit polls published by the main media. Fpo obtained 27% of the votes, becoming for the first time the most important political force in the Alpine country. With 27% the Freedom Party (Fpo) with its leading candidate Harald Vilimsky has established itself as the most voted party, while the OVP and the SPO compete for second place: the OVP and its leader Reinhold Lopatka they stood at 23.5%, closely followed by the SPO and its candidate Andreas Schieder at 23%. Collapse of the Greens with its main candidate Lena Schillingwhich went from 14.1% in the last round to 10.5%, finishing tied with Neos and their leader Helmut Brandstätter, also at 10.5%.