Casini in Catanzaro: “Bridge over the Strait, will it also be talked about in my commemoration?”


By John

«The Strait Bridge? There’s been a lot of talk about it. I wouldn’t want the same question to be asked thirty years from now to those who come to commemorate me». This is the joke with which Pier Ferdinando Casini, former president of the Chamber, speaking to journalists in Catanzaro, responded to the stable connection project in the Strait of Messina. Casini, in the capital of Calabria, spoke at the initiative held at the headquarters of the Calabria Region to remember Carmelo Pujia, Christian Democrat, member of parliament, undersecretary and regional councilor several times. «The bridge – added Casini – is certainly a work that presents very important elements. However, I want to say one thing, especially in reference to places like Calabria and Sicily: it is important to build the bridge, but today it is much more important to have a regional road and railway network that is up to par.”