Catania Airport, Senator Musolino: “The emergency is becoming chronic”


By John

“The emergency at Catania airport is becoming chronic. Another week has gone by and nothing suggests a return to normality, if anything the acceptance of this state of extreme precariousness.”
Thus in a note the senator of “South Calls North” and vice president of the Group for Autonomies, Dafne Musolino.
“Today, even the Brothers of Italy are aware of and publicly denounce the serious failures in the management of the emergency. I recall that the Senate unanimously voted on a motion I promoted on the launch of an investigation and on the development of a plan for the management of emergencies in Sicilian air transport. The Government should follow up on all this, because it is completely clear that this situation is a serious injury to the Sicilians’ right to mobility as well as to the reputation and image of the island.”

“Tomorrow I will ask the president of the parliamentary committee on insularity to schedule a hearing of the SAC leaders and a visit by the members of the Commission to Catania airport to ascertain responsibilities, verify the conditions of the structure and learn about the actions in place for overcoming the emergency. The whole Parliament, through the pomsione sull’pnsularità, takes charge of a story that represents a serious infringement of the right to mobility of Sicilians.