Catanzaro, on Parco Romani ahead with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


By John

For one door, that of the university, which closes, here is another, of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which opens. It is probably still time to take things with a pinch of salt, remaining firmly in the field of mere hypotheses, but for Parco Romani some possible glimmers of hope are starting to appear. The recovery process of the unfinished mega project in the Sala district will still be quite long and onerous, but the technical political table – established last year by the president of the city council, Gianmichele Bosco – who is working to find a possible use for the abandoned property has lined up some possible scenarios.
Once, by will of the university, the idea of ​​transferring UMG departments or building a research center there was over, there were few cards on the table. But the activity which has seen the coordinator of the Scientific Committee for the strategic planning of the Municipality engaged in recent months, Antonio De Marco, allowed us to add some “load”. The technical data sheets prepared have in fact aroused the interest of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti which has expressed its willingness to work on a feasibility study – free of charge, with its own ad hoc section which deals with assisting local authorities – which can verify the possible involvement of CDP or Invimit investment funds (the Mef company that deals with real estate investments) in projects of public and collective interest.