Catanzaro structural plan, the process enters a “pause”: the definitive guidelines from the Pai are awaited


By John

The municipal structural plan is almost defined but the idea of ​​bringing it to the Council for adoption by the end of the year is now over. The process of defining the PSC, the territorial planning tool that will have to replace the old master plan, which now dates back over 20 years ago, enters a pause phase. The need to slow down the adoption process comes from the Palazzo De Nobili offices themselves, as the PAI guidelines, the plan for the hydrogeological structure, are being updated by the Southern Apennines District Basin Authority. This is the document that in recent weeks has pushed various municipal administrations and also professional associations to stand up, as they were not adequately involved in the construction process of the Pai update, the current version of which dates back to 2001 and is now outdated by those territorial consolidation interventions carried out but also by changed regulatory needs.