On 2 and 3 September, coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of his deaththe cultural association Eriadorin collaboration with Paper Earthquakesorganizes a two-day event in Massina entirely dedicated to John Ronald Reuel Tolkienthe unforgettable author of The Lord of the Rings.
Saturday 2 September, at 7pm, at Mondadori Bookstore in via Consulato del Mare 35, the book will be presented A man of his word. Tolkien’s fantasy worldsOf Saverio Simonelli. There will be a dialogue with the author Nancy Antonazzopresident of Terremoti di Carta.
Sunday 3 September, starting at 7pm, at the Feltrinelli point of via Ghibellina 32, the commemorative meeting will be staged Our Tesssorooo!in which they will participate Enzo Ciceroprofessor at the University of Messina, Anna Mallamojournalist for the Gazzetta del Sud e Marco Boncoddoprofessor at IIS Jaci di
Admission to both meetings is free.