The conference organized on May 11th by Fiadel Csa Cisal Calabria in the premises of the San Giuseppe Museum of Sacred Art Rogliano and the topics covered involved and interested the large audience of those in attendance. The proposed reflection, the need to restore attractiveness to employed work, with particular regard to Local Authorities, offered the speakers the opportunity to enrich the meeting by inducing the audience to address the problems of job security, precarious employment, financial difficulties and of turnover.
The works were opened with the intervention of the mayor of Rogliano Giovanni Altomare followed by Lucia Nicoletti, mayor of Santo Stefano di Rogliano. Both brought to the attention of the audience the need for local administrations to restore attractiveness to employment in local authorities by working towards effective remuneration parity with other sectors of the public sector. They then highlighted the need to have greater resources to be allocated to the elimination of precarious employment and for the recognition of rewards for employees who are more committed to meeting the needs and providing rapid, effective and efficient responses to citizens' requests.
The general secretary of Cisal, Francesco Cavallaro, spoke about the trend in wage growth which cannot even cover the impact of inflation, the gap between the incomes of the Italian regions which records, for Calabria, a further increase in the gap compared to 10 years ago in comparison with the northern regions and, this translates into actual impoverishment of families. He focused on the growth in deaths at work and on the mandatory nature of regulatory interventions aimed at greater protection and safeguarding of workers. Finally he concluded with the commitment to work towards resolving the problem of social inclusion internships in the direction of future contractualisation.
Stefano Lulli national secretary of Ospol Csa illustrated the draft for the renewal of the national collective labor agreement of local functions with particular regard to the section dedicated to local police and, Rosario Marano Calabria local police department of the implementing decrees of the Calabria regional law on local police.
The conclusions were entrusted to the general secretary of the Federations belonging to Cisal, Fiadel and Csa, Francesco Garofalo, who, illustrating the proposal for the renewal of the national employment contract of local authorities, already deposited in ARAN, highlighted the urgency of the signature which must stem the loss of purchasing power of salaries, since Italy, alone among European states, records a decrease in the purchasing power of salaries. He highlighted how the sad phenomenon of “white deaths” has reached levels of intolerability for an advanced country like Italy and the need to intervene to put an end to precarious employment with legislative interventions by the Government.
The conference was organized by the regional secretary of Calabria Fiadel Csa Pierfrancesco Lincol who also coordinated the work.
Over 100 conference attendees participated in the work, mostly coming from the municipalities of the province of Cosenza, the provincial secretaries and delegates of the provinces of Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria, Vibo Valentia and Crotone. Also present were the Puglia regional secretary Sebastiano Zonno, the director of the Encal patronage of Cosenza Lorella Pellegrini and the Anvu national councilor Adriana Tarsitano.