Class action against the Strait Bridge, appeal filed by 104 people


By John

One hundred and four people have filed an appeal (pursuant to art. 840 sexiesdecies of the Code of Criminal Procedure) with the business section of the Court of Rome, against Stretto di Messina spa. It’s about a collective injunction action to ask the judge to ascertain the liability of the company and the unjust damage caused by the violation of the duty of diligence, correctness and good faith by continuing the activity for the construction of the bridge over the Strait, despite the fact that the work has no real strategic interest and is not feasible from environmental, structural and cheap.

The appellants, with this class action, narrate the history of the company and the project and highlight the validity of their reasons by arguing that the so-called bridging decree is constitutionally illegitimate and contrary to European legislation and consequently denounce the illegitimacy of the actions of the company led by Pietro Ciucci, for violation of numerous internal and Euro-unitary, as well as international, regulations.