Controls in Reggino, non-compliant construction sites and illegal workers. 110 thousand euros in fines and 10 reported


By John

In recent days i carabinieri of the Melito Porto Salvo Company assisted by colleagues from the Labor Inspectorate Unit of Reggio Calabria and staff from the Metropolitan Area Inspectorate of Reggio Calabria, as part of a specific activity aimed at combating irregular work as well as verifying compliance with safety regulations in the workplace , they have checked several construction sites in the Melite area, referring 10 people to the judicial authorities.

The military personnel were able to ascertain the existence of various violations of sector regulations as well as the overall presence of 8 workers who were not regularly employed. Specifically, they were able to verify how several workers had not been sent for a medical examination to ascertain their suitability for the specific job as well as the use of scaffolding and electrical systems that were not up to standard. In some cases the absence of adequate fences to delimit the sites and the failure to consolidate the excavation ground. Furthermore, during an inspection, the presence of an irregular Indian national worker on the national territory was also crystallized for whom an expulsion decree was issued and he was referred to the Judicial Authority as he was held responsible for the crime of entry and illegal stay in the territory of the State. Overall, criminal sanctions amounting to approximately 70 thousand euros were imposed as well as administrative sanctions amounting to approximately 40 thousand euros with the simultaneous suspension of activities within the construction sites.

Since these are measures in the preliminary investigation phase, subsequent evaluations during the trial remain unaffected.