A foreign citizen who was riding his bicycle on state road 106 died suddenly. The man was hit by a moving car while the driver of a third car, a Citroën, which was also involved in the accident, immediately stopped and reported that it was the other car that hit the man, apparently a Peugeot, which however did not stop continuing his run. The accident occurred once again on a stretch of road that we can define as cursed, namely in the Sant’Irene district near the bowling alley, a point where the road is poorly lit and where road accidents are often recorded. The carabinieri from the territorial department of Corigliano Rossano, a patrol from the financial police as well as the 118 ambulance arrived on the scene but there was nothing that could be done for the man who was overwhelmed as it seems that death occurred immediately. moment of impact. At the moment the investigations are entrusted to the Carabinieri who are working to reconstruct the actual dynamics of the accident.
According to what has been learned, the man is part of the “invisible” community. Most work illegally as labourers. The man had no documents. Therefore it is difficult for investigators to assign an age to him.