Corigliano Rossano, the opposition wants a discussion on the industrial project in the port


By John

The council opposition of Corigliano Rossano returns to ask for a monothematic municipal council on the issue of the settlement in the port of Corigliano by Baker Hughes. After the meeting of the group leaders’ conference in recent days convened by the president of the city council Roselina Madeo, which was also attended by representatives of the social partners and associations for and against the project, as well as the representative of the system authority, to date there is no news of further discussions in sight. In this meeting the situation was taken stock and an attempt was made to mediate between the needs of the multinational and the position of the municipal administrationwith the mayor calling for the settlement to be moved to the back harbour.

In any case, the opposition council groups take up the argument again, reiterating that «on issues of strategic importance for the development and future prospects of the City and the territory, such as, among others, that relating to the development project of the Port and the industrial plan advanced by Nuovo Pignone Baker Hughes, it is imperative that the City Council is the main forum for debate, discussion and representation and synthesis of the collective will of the community.” Therefore, faithful to the concept that the civic assembly remains the main forum for discussion on strategic issues, the Opposition Council Group announces that it has requested the President of the Civic Assembly Rosellina Madeo to urgently convene a monothematic municipal council on the point.