Cosenza, Achille Lauro will be the star of New Year’s Eve 2025


By John

Achille Lauro will ferry the people of Cosenza in 2025 from Piazza Dei Bruzi. The official announcement came directly from Mayor Franz Caruso who also revealed the news of a larger and more complex project that goes well beyond the New Year’s Eve show, promoting Cosenza, its vast urban territory and Calabria on a national scale through sky and the X Factor show.

A choice that has been considered for some time by Achille Lauro – stated Mayor Franz Caruso – which brings together the extraordinary qualities of the artist and the sensitivity of a man of culture strongly committed to social issues. At the UN Glass Palace Achille Lauro, at the top of the charts with the single Amore Desperatoinvited young people to believe in their passions by inculcating hope and confidence in the future, focusing his thoughts on music understood as an artistic expression that unites peoples. Not to mention his commitment in schools, against bullying, which he suffered and overcame. In short, on New Year’s Eve, Achille Lauro will give Cosenza a show of extraordinary value, imbued with a message of life which, as far as I’m concerned, makes the difference and which we want to launch from Cosenza to the entire country. It wasn’t easy to get it, we had to fight but we achieved the goal and I’m proud of it.”

The mayor’s project Franz Caruso, which starts from the prestige of a singer loved by young and old, goes much further: “We will screen Cosenza – said Franz Caruso – through a video spot which contains the symbols of its artistic/cultural heritage, at a national level on Sky. It is This is an action that I consider important and valuable because it is intended to promote our land, which must be known and appreciated for its beauty and its culture, not only for episodes that have unfortunately characterized the news of past years there Calabria deserves the media limelight to dispel old stereotypes by reaffirming its true image of infinite beauty and an artistic/cultural heritage of immense value, the latter operation certainly not left to chance but which is part of a general action tourism policies aimed at overcoming return tourism to attract cultural and residential tourism”