Inside the electoral cauldron there is a European vote that risks being overshadowed, in at least 65 municipalities in the province, by battles conditioned by local conflicts for the choice of mayors and municipal councilors. Elections which, according to tradition, are governed by logic independent of the dynamics of the parties. There are no roots, there is no political sentiment. There are exclusively alliances, often transversal, to build success. Europe? It will inevitably end up at the back of the queue.
In the Southern constituency, a total of 16 lists were presented: Forza Italia, Lega, Pd, M5S, FdI, United States of Europe, Action, Freedom, green-left, Peace, land and dignity, Popular Alternative, Animalist Party, Forza Nuova , Sovereign and Popular Democracy, Italy of Rights, and the Italian Catholic Union. Sixteen containers in which, among others, many people from Cosenza found space. Above all, people from Cosenza. In Forza Italia (but among Us Moderates) there is the lawyer from Castrovillare Riccardo Rosa. The deputy runs with the League Simona Loizzo. The Democratic Party, however, for the first time in years, will not have candidates from the province. The grillini are focusing on the former president Pasquale Tridico from Scala Coeli, a great fan of Cosenza football. Fratelli d'Italia relies on the regional councilor, Luciana De Francesco. The former mayor of the autonomous municipality of Rossano will run with the United States of Europe of Matteo Renzi, Stefano Mascarothe former first town of Cariati, Filomena Greco And Annunziata Country, which will be proposed again after a positive test according to the latest Policies. Action with Calenda raises the engine speed with Stefania Postorivo, who boasts administrative experience as an opposition municipal councilor in Roggiano Gravina (she received 482 personal preferences). The Green Left Alliance relies on the former deputy mayor of Cosenza, Maria Pia Funaro. In Sovereign and Popular Democracy by Marco Rizzo and Francesco Toscano, there will be Paola Marinaccio of Newfoundland from Sibari.