Cosenza, reforms and investments for the post-PNRR


By John

The Roman trip. At the national assembly of Confindustria, chaired by Emanuele Orsinia large representation of entrepreneurs from Cosenza participated, led by the president Giovan Battista Peciaccante.
President, how did it go?
«Expectations were not disappointed from any point of view. Orsini’s report is beautiful and effective in terms of clarity of analysis, awareness of role, vision and concreteness of the proposals.”
Explain to us better
«It was underlined that Confindustria, at all levels of representation, focuses on the results and the method of discussion and dialogue as a necessary condition for making courageous and shared choices to be able to face the important challenges that emerge in Europe, in the country and on territories. We need a solid industrial policy. Three main directions indicated: competitiveness, productivity and community. In an uncertain scenario, where there are many difficulties in terms of energy, environmental and digital transitions, it is necessary to work hard to give prospects to the industry and therefore to the country.”
From your point of view, as an entrepreneur from the South, what concretely needs to be done?
«We need immediate and necessary first interventions which will be given concrete form in the next budget law currently being defined: cutting the tax wedge as a permanent measure, an extraordinary construction plan for newly hired workers, the urgency of returning to investing in nuclear power, which is possible thanks to of the latest generation, correct the obvious errors, especially in the timing, of the EU Green Deal which must be changed, adequate reforms and investments to be able to look beyond the Pnrr with confidence”.