Council Commissions at the Calabria Region, the minority: “The center-right continues to waste time”


By John

The opposition group leaders Mimmo Drink water (Pd), David Tavernise (M5s) and Antonio The Slave (Mixed), did not take part in the last meeting of the Conference of Group Leaders in open dissent with respect to the decision taken by the centre-right majority to further postpone the composition of the Council Commissions.

“The Bureau was renewed last February 7th – the minority group leaders recall – and the deadline for the renewal of the Commissions has therefore definitively expired on August 7th. We cannot, therefore, understand how the majority could have requested a further confirmation of the members of the bodies that the individual parties have already sent. It is evidently the usual subterfuge to gain more time to find agreements that are still far away between the majority parties that are clashing on all fronts, starting from the application of the wicked differentiated autonomy, and at all levels”.

“In any case – continue Bevacqua, Tavernise and Lo Schiavo – it is no longer tolerable that the center-right majority continues to consider the Regulation and Statute as waste paper and bends the institutions to their own convenience, totally demeaning the role and functions of all regional councilors. We therefore invite President Mancuso and the entire center-right to stop resorting to instrumental formalisms and to immediately convene the Commissions to ensure that the Council machine can get back on track and address the many emergencies that unfortunately grip Calabria”.