There are obvious anomalies in this plan.” And again: «We will leave no stone unturned to confirm our identity». Not a day goes by without a school criticizing the draft school sizing plan drawn up by the Province. Yesterday, it was the turn of managers, teachers and students of the “Ciliberto-Lucifero” technical nautical institute in Crotone who said “no” to the draft with which the intermediate body chaired by Sergio Ferrari, in cutting the autonomies from 37 at 29, ordered the breaking up, or “cancellation” in the words of the principal Girolamo Arcuri, of the high school: on the one hand the nautical “Ciliberto” would find itself incorporated into the new Polo di Isola Capo Rizzuto, on the other the “Lucifero” (the former Accounting Department) would become part of the professional “Barlacchi” Polo, while the evening courses they would be diverted to Cirò Marina.
«The Province – said Arcuri during the press conference which was held in the Via Siris complex in front of professors and students – could have left our institute which can count on around 700 students as an exception». In fact, the guidelines of the Region, which in turn has implemented the national indications of the 2022 Budget Law, provides for the minimum presence of 900-1,000 children for each school autonomy. This explains the mergers and divisions of addresses created by the Palazzo in via Mario Nicoletta which, after approval by the Provincial Council, will be effective from the next school year. Red mark on the sizing also by the teachers of “Ciliberto-Lucifero”: Alberto Vega («We are here to defend an identity because the kids must be protected»); Luigi Pascali («There will also be repercussions on students’ choices»); and Luca Paturzo (“The merging of an address with our institute is more useful”).