Database of accommodation facilities: it also starts in Calabria


By John

Calabria is the fourth Italian region, after Puglia, Veneto and Abruzzo, to enter theexperimental phase of the Database of Accommodation Facilities (Bdsr). From today, therefore, Calabrian citizens can access, via Spid or Cie, the dedicated online platform ( and request the National Identification Code (Cin) to be used for the publication of announcements and for displaying them outside of structures and buildings. It is recalled that the provisions relating to the Bdsr will be applicable only starting from the sixtieth day following the publication in the Official Journal of the notice of entry into operation of the database at a national level, expected no later than 1 September 2024. In this first experimental phase, therefore, no sanctions will be incurred and citizens who wish to do so are allowed to comply with the obligations related to the Cin.