“Dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro”. Vittorio Feltri attacks Ilaria Salis and infuriates Fiorita: “We will take him to court”


By John

«Salis dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro, just the lowest thing you can imagine». As Vittorio Feltri during his speech he attacked the new MEP of the Green Left Alliance.

A comment that was not liked at all Nicola Fioritathe mayor of Catanzaro who announced on Instagram that he will resort to legal ways.

«Vittorio Feltri the true face of Padania. We will take him to court for his unacceptable insults to our city and for his racist phrases. These are the champions of differentiated autonomy. Be ashamed and if you have a minimum of decency, apologize to Catanzaro and to the women who toil in bars and restaurants with great dignity. More and more determined – remarked the mayor – to resist against the arrogance and arrogance of the Po Valley.”