Ecofin gives green light to Italy’s new Pnrr. Meloni: “Great result”


By John

Green light from Ecofin – according to what we learn from EU Presidency sources – to the revision of the Pnrr presented by 13 member countries and which ended up on the table of European Finance Ministers this morning. Among the new approved Pnrrs there was also that of Italy.

With Ecofin’s yes, the European green light for the revised Pnrr with the RepowerEu chapter becomes definitive.

“After the positive opinion of the European Commission, the Council today approved the revision of the Italian Pnrr – states Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni -. Another great result of the Government which confirms the seriousness and effectiveness of the work carried out in recent months. We intend to continue on this path, in the awareness that the success of our Pnrr is in the interest of the nation and its citizens”.