Employment, Wanda Ferro: extension of the South’s tax relief is a success for the government


By John

«The extension of Southern Contribution Relief, an objective long awaited by the business world and the social partners, is another great success of the Meloni government in Europe. Thanks to the extraordinary work of Minister Raffaele Fitto, who tenaciously led the negotiations with Brussels in recent months, the measure has been extended until 31 December, with the concrete prospect of making it structural, transforming it into a long-term and more oriented instrument towards investments”. This is what he says Wanda Ferro (Fdi), undersecretary of the Interior.

«It is a measure – he continues – which has a positive impact on development and employment in the southern regions, a theme which is at the center of the Meloni government’s policies, starting from the new Cohesion policies and the establishment of the single SEZ, which, overcoming the welfare logic, they have contributed to a GDP growth even higher than that of the Northern regions. With facts, and not with propaganda, the Meloni government marks a reversal of direction to recover the profound gap that today exists between North and South, and reunite an Italy that the policies of past governments have increasingly split in two.”