«Splendid news from Calabria today: together with Mimmo Lucano we announced the candidacy on the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra lists for the next European elections of Maria Pia Funaro, former vice-mayor of Cosenza, the most voted in the last municipal elections, who left the Democratic Party to join our project».
He states this in a note Elisabetta Piccolotti of the Left Green Alliance. «This extraordinary candidacy arrives at a time of great growth and allows us to propose to the voters – continues the red-green parliamentarian – a capable administrator, a political personality who comes from the world of associations and solidarity and who represents ideas with her history and experiences that can lead the entire South on the path to sustainable development from both a social and environmental point of view.”
«In fact, Maria Pia Funaro, in addition to being an environmental engineer and having strong ecological expertise, is also a great expert on community policies and knows how to help Calabria and the other regions of the South to use European resources in a useful and efficient. Today – concludes Piccolotti – our team has been enriched with another female face who will bring strength and authority”.