Farewell to the notary Guido Monforte, an ironic and humane native of Messina


By John

He turned 90 in June. The notary passed away yesterday Guido Monforte, prestigious professional, ironic, affable person with great humanity. For decades it was the point of reference for the Sicilian Notaries. Having graduated in Law from the University of Messina in 1954, he began his career in November 1963. For 32 years, from 1974 to 2006, he was a member of the Peloritano Notary Council of which he was also president for ten years (from 1996 to 2006 ). At a regional level, he was the founder and rightful member of the Notary Committee of Sicily. He also had important roles beyond the Strait, as a member of the administrative commission of the National Notary Fund for two three-year periods, from 1977 to 1983, and a member of the National Notary Council for nine years, from 1977 to 1986. He founded and directed for 12 years the Newsletter of the National Council of Notaries, an information body sent to all notaries in Italylater replaced by the daily online bulletin. And he was in the Board of Auditors of the same National Council, for two three-year periods, from 2001 until June 2007. He was also responsible for the Civil Law Course at the Strait Notary School, named after Salvatore Pugliatti, and of which he was teacher. For over 20 years he organized the annual conference of Notaries held in Taormina, promoted by the Sicilian Regional Notary Committee and in 2009 he was awarded the “Iacopo da Lentini” Prize, then in its first edition, the recognition to be awarded every year to personalities who they gave prestige to the Sicilian Notary. A choice, on that occasion, which was made unanimously and by acclamation by all Sicilian notaries.
Committed to social issues, Guido Monforte had a particular bond with the Bonino Pulejo Foundation, of which he was a member of the Board of Directors, with the Neurolesi Center and with the “Città del Ragazzo” Foundation created by his father Nino Trovato.

To the daughters Sandra, Francesca and Raffaella, to all the family and relatives, the deepest condolences of the Gazzetta del Sud and of Rtp.