Fatal bat bite: teacher dies after weeks of agony. Very rare event


By John

A 60 year old art teacherresident in Dos Palosin Californiadied after being bitten by an infected bat while he was in his classroom at the Bryant Middle School.

The accident, which occurred in mid-October, occurred when the teacher attempted to move the animal, believing it to be dead. The bat bit her. The woman, underestimating the injury, continued with her activities without consulting a doctor.

The symptoms and the tragic epilogue

About a month after the bite, the woman began to exhibit flu-like symptomswhich rapidly worsened. Emergency hospitalized on November 18, her condition became critical within a few days, leading to death on November 22 despite admission to intensive care.

A very rare case

Death for anger in humans is an exceptional event in the United States, thanks to vaccine deployment and prevention protocols. However, when not treated immediately after exposure, rabies is an almost always fatal disease, with a mortality rate close to 100%.

Prevention and information

The virus is transmitted through the bite or scratch of infected animals, enters the body through open wounds and attacks the central nervous systemcausing progressive paralysis. This tragic incident highlights the importance of seeking immediate medical attention in case of any wild animal biteeven if the injury seems minor or negligible.