From the Riace Bronzes to the… Silver Ribbons passing through the civil battles: the mission of the director Fabio Mollo from Reggio Emilia VIDEO


By John

There is a lot of Calabrianness that flows in the snow of Reggio director Fabio Mollo. It can be found in his love for the history of his land and in the fighting spirit of those who, from behind, try to overturn already consolidated situations, unpack what is already packaged, go beyond conventions. A real Calabrian, in fact. Who knew how to mix his art (directing) with his life mission: to improve what surrounds him by narrating it.

A golden period for the 43-year-old virtuoso screenwriter of the camera, who looks with great attention to the past, of course, but also to the changes of the present that bring the future closer. Entering his office there is a simple but no less useful calendar; One date stands out, circled in red for a week now: February 26th. Only apparently a day like any other. Or at least not for Fabio Mollo and for Alessandra Cataletathe co-director of Demigodsdocumentary on the Riace Bronzes which has already “paraded” on the red carpet of Venice Festival and he earned a space in the top five Silver Ribbons. And on the 26th, in fact, the verdict will be known. When he talks about it, his eyes shine. «As a Calabrian, from Reggio, I feel a great sense of responsibility», underlines Mollo, «but at the same time I feel inexplicable sensations, very close to joy and pride. The idea of ​​making a documentary on the discovery of the Bronzes arose on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the event. We seized a unique opportunity: presenting “Demigods” means giving back to the statues their artistic, historical and human value. Everything was possible thanks to the support of the Calabria Film Commission and the Region, who embraced the cause with great enthusiasm, as did Palomar, who produced the film.”

The discovery of the Bronzes is comparable to the tip of an iceberg which has a basis to be found in the depths of history: «We are all led to focus our attention on that 16 August 1972, when the very prestigious finds came to the surface, but life of the Bronzes is much longer and their creation dates back to 4-500 BC”, points out the director from Reggio. «In general, however, from 1700 onwards Italy is recognized as the cradle of art history: Greek, Etruscan and Roman finds – ever since then – could be found with great ease. Think of Pompeii, the highest example that can support this consideration. However, the Riace Bronzes also represent a unique example in the history of our country, because they were not the subject of raids or “attention” by grave robbers, who would then have resold them on the black market; the discovery was made by an amateur diver who chose to share this discovery, without appropriating it. Furthermore, there is also a mysterious aura surrounding the history of the Bronzes: how many were there? How did they get to the coast of Reggio? And, if they were transported by a boat, what happened to the wreck? Questions that remain such, which were treated in the documentary with great care, without chasing scoops and without claiming to offer answers. An approach that earned the “five” at the Nastri d’argento. «We still find it hard to believe it», continues Mollo, «for us it is already prestigious to be there. A few days before the event, on February 22nd, we will present the documentary in Reggio.”

While waiting for the final verdict, the Calabrian director is enjoying the box office success of the film “Born for You”, which tells the (true) story of Luca Trapanese, the first single homosexual in Italy to adopt a little girl with Down syndrome. A story that exudes great strength and determination. The same as Luca, a father who had to fight to obtain first custody and then the approval for the adoption of little Alba. Acting as support is a judge who is good at enforcing common sense more than legislation. «All of us can play an important role, also for the legal life of our country», comments the screenwriter from Reggio, «not so much in the production of laws, but in ensuring that these are improved and updated. What moved me was the context of the whole story: it started from Naples; it is a story of the South, a place where even the impossible becomes possible. The film represents my attempt to point out that some laws are susceptible to improvement.”

“Born for you” will be available from Monday on Sky.