Once the maneuver has been resolved, and after the green light from the Senate it is preparing for the second armored reading in the Chamber, the government opens the Milleproroghe construction site. The traditional end-of-year provision which lengthens the time for rules, payments and disciplines of all kinds, is expected in the last council of ministers of the year, Thursday 28 December, together with 4 implementing decrees of the fiscal delegation, including the one on Irpef , postponed from the last meeting. The work on the Milleproroghe starts first of all from what was left out of the maneuver. Starting from the Superbonus dossier, not yet completely archived. During the work on the budget law in the Senate, the proposal of an extraordinary Sal without extensions or charges emerged. But before any move, the Ministry of the Economy is awaiting the latest projections on the costs of the incentive, which in November had already reached 96 billion. The decisions depend on the “problem of maintaining public accounts”, clarifies the minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, warning that each month of extension costs 4.5 billion. But Forza Italia keeps up the pressure and assures that “there will be attention” from the government. For a possible intervention, in addition to the Milleproroghe, there is also the hypothesis of an ad hoc decree, which at that point would reach the Council of Ministers 28. The provision could also contain a crackdown on other forms of benefits linked to housing. Another issue being looked at for the Milleproroghe is that of pensions. The hypothesis is still on the table, which emerged during the corrections to the maneuver in the Senate but on which the government then backtracked, to further raise the old age threshold for doctors, bringing it to 72 years (from the 70 foreseen in the budget law).
The measure would still be under evaluation for the milleproroghe or other measures. Then there is the topic of smart working: with the advances decree, flexible working has been extended until March 31st, but only in the private sector, both for vulnerable people and for parents of under-14s. However, the public issue remains, where smart working is currently allowed (until 31 December) only for vulnerable workers: but this is an expensive intervention and appears difficult at the moment. And while the outdoor areas have already obtained another year of extension with the competition bill, appeals to postpone imminent deadlines are multiplying: consumers are asking to postpone the end of the protected gas market (which will end on January 10) in the wake of what has been done for electricity; while the request is coming from many quarters extend the rankings of those eligible for public competitions.
It will also be on the table at Thursday’s CDM a rich fiscal package. Starting from the decree for the implementation of the first module of the Irpef reform, postponed from the last meeting to allow coordination with the maneuver: the decree must receive the definitive green light from the CDM, with which the new system will be able to start from January three echelons. Coming soon, as promised by the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo, to demonstrate the fact that the tax reform “continues at a rapid pace”, there are also three other delegated decrees: those on litigation and collaborative compliance, which lack the definitive approval, and the one on the Taxpayer’s Statute which arrives for preliminary examination . Meanwhile, the maneuver has begun examination in the Chamber, where the final vote is expected on Friday 29 December. The Budget Commission met in the morning to carry out the general discussion: around twenty deputies participated, 6 present and the rest remotely, including speakers and the government. We resume after the holidays, on Wednesday 27th to vote on the amendments. There are about a thousand modification proposals on the table, all from the opposition. The commission will have to jump through hoops: the following day the text is expected in the Chamber.