The bill to make surrogacy a “universal crime”, definitively approved by the Senate on 16 October, will be in the Official Journal on Monday 18 November. The law – ANSA has learned – was signed by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarellalast November 4, before leaving for his visit to China.
In Italy, surrogacy becomes a universal crime
Gestation for others (Gpa), better known as surrogate motherhood, becomes a universal crime in Italy thanks to a bill, which bears the signature of Fdi deputy Carolina Varchi, approved by the Senate on 16 October and previously by the Chamber.
In Italy, GPA has already been a crime for twenty years, but now the punishment is also extended to those who have practiced it abroad who therefore risk sentences of up to two years’ imprisonment and fines of up to one million euros. “Those who take refuge behind the rhetoric of ‘rights’ to justify the practice of renting wombs – the Minister for Family, Equal Opportunities and Natality Eugenia Roccella commented to ANSA – should ask themselves why there is a global network instead of feminism that supports Italy’s initiative and considers our country an example to be followed everywhere”.
For the opposition, the new legislation goes against the Constitution, creates “series A and series B children” and has a “medieval” cast, a concept also expressed several times by the Rainbow Families and the many LGBT associations. According to Italia Viva group leader Ivan Scalfarotto, the new provision violates Article 3 of the Constitution.