There is strict confidentiality surrounding the investigations to try to shed full light on the road accident in San Pietro a Maida, in the Lamezzo area which, yesterday around 4am, caused the death of two very young girls, Maria Sonetto 17 years old and Anna Pileggi of 18. Together with them in the Mercedes which went off the road and caught fire immediately afterwards, three other boys, one of them a minor, were bruised but not seriously. Three are still at the Lamezia Terme hospital in the short-term therapy department under observation.
The Lametina prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into road homicide. However, on this aspect, nothing has emerged from investigative circles. The investigations by the Girifalco carabinieri aim to understand who was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, an element which is still not entirely clear today. According to initial reconstructions, the car was traveling downhill and when it approached a right bend it went straight on ending first on a dirt road and then in a field hitting some trees. After the collision, the three boys managed to get out while the two young women remained stuck in the car which immediately caught fire. An autopsy will be carried out on the charred bodies.