Former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is the “poorest” political leader. The top exponent of the M5S in fact filed his 2023 tax return relating to the compensation received in 2022 to the Chamber of Deputies on Christmas Eve. And so a declared income of just 24,359 euros gross emerged.
As the online newspaper Open notes, the elected Conte entered Parliament on 13 October 2022 and the sum deposited is equal to two and a half months of parliamentarian’s salary.
Based on these data, it means that the former Prime Minister before becoming a member of parliament essentially had zero income and without having received even a single euro from the Movement, with the exception of any expense reimbursements which must not be counted in the tax return. But there’s more: Conte – as reported by Open – paid only 1,776 euros in taxes in 2022, 148 euros per month, equal to a tax burden of 7.2 percent. In fact, in his tax return he reports a deduction for the main residence of 2,327 euros and other deductible expenses of 7,127 euros. To these he adds 1,652 euros of tax deductions, half of which are due to bonuses for home renovation
Matteo Renzi is the richest senator
Matteo Renzi, on the other hand, is the richest senator with a declaration of 3 million and 217 thousand euros, more than 600 thousand euros higher than the declaration of 2021. He beat the senator for life Renzo Piano with 2.9 million (in 2021 the income was 6 .3 million) while completing the podium is Giulio Tremonti of FdI who went from 1.6 million in 2021 to 2.6 in 2022.
The other party leaders
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stops at 293,531 euros. Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian Left declared 104,212. Below 100 thousand euros we find Matteo Salvini with 99,699 and the leader of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, with 94,725 euros, while Carlo Calenda is at 65 thousand euros.