Great cycling arrives in Crotone with the “Adriatica Ionica Race”. Moreno Argentin exceptional patron


By John

On September 24th the city of Crotone will host the arrival of the final stage of the prestigious race “Adriatica Ionica Race” which will decide the winner of a race that is already one of the most important events in national and international cycling.

The municipal administration, which sponsored the event, is working to organize the race in the best possible way and be ready to host, after many years, one of the most loved and practiced sports in our country. The competition has an exceptional patron, Moreno Argentinworld road champion and one of the icons of Italian cycling of all time.

In recent weeks the champion from S. Donà di Piave was in Crotone and met the mayor Voce and the councilor Bossi for an inspection of the area, showing particular appreciation for the city. The Adriatica Ionica Race, due to the prestige and caliber of the participants, represents an important return of image at a national and international level for the city of Crotone.

Wishing to express to Moreno Argentin its gratitude for having wanted to foresee the conclusion of the prestigious cycling race in the city of Crotone and for having included it in an event that will have national and international resonance, the administration, on the proposal of the Sports Councilor Luca Bossi, has decided to award the champion the “Special Mention” foreseen by the Merit Regulations of the Municipality of Crotone. The honor will be awarded during the ceremony that will be held following the arrival of the race in the Palazzo di Città.

“An event that will give important visibility to the city of Crotone and which goes in the direction of exploiting the city’s potential in terms of attracting major sporting events with the aim of deseasonalizing the tourist offer of the area. It is no coincidence that the Administration is focusing heavily on investments related to sports facilities. I personally spoke to the world champion Moreno Argentin to communicate to him the merit, which goes to an icon of world sport and who decided to link his name to the city of Crotone, and we are grateful for this” declares councilor Bossi