Healthcare, ASP Reggio Calabria-unions agreement: 0 km tests for “fragile” patients


By John

A new agreement was signed last February 8th between general medicine unions and the provincial health authority of Reggio Calabria with the aim of implementing attention to the territory, to the elderly, to people with multiple pathologies, in a word to patients “fragile”.
This is the summary of the meeting between the unions and the general director of the Asp Reggina Lucia Di Furiaalso present was the head of primary care Gabriella Eburnea, the director of affiliated medicine Antonella Roso, and all the union representatives of general practitioners.
Objective: to activate sampling points on an experimental basis at the territorial functional aggregations (AFT) where general practitioners work 12 hours a day.
In short: be increasingly active in taking care of patients with multiple pathologies, managing blood samples and test results in real time.
“To ‘fragile’ patients – he underlines Lucia Di Furia – you will be given the opportunity to take blood tests directly in the AFT office, the results will reach the doctors directly. 0 km tests because the patient will not go to the laboratory either for the blood sample or to collect the report”.
From this perspective of territorial management, other AFTs will soon be activated throughout the provincial territory to make the presence of the family doctor more widespread.
“In our Province, with the inclusion of 80 doctors in the last year, steps have been taken to cover the shortages that had arisen in the last 6 years”, he declares Francesco Biasi, secret provincial Mmg of the Fimmg.
Km 0 exams, this is the name of the new collection project and it will be active shortly without any burden on citizens’ pockets and without any remuneration for AFT doctors.