Healthcare in Calabria, Occhiuto signs the decree to hire 219 health workers and 165 emergency drivers


By John

The President of the Calabria Region, Roberto Occhiutoin his capacity as commissioner ad acta for the implementation of the plan to reduce the deficits of the Calabrian regional health system, signed a decree that gives the green light to the needs plans and employment plans of the provincial health companies and hospital companies for the the year 2024.
Thanks to the DCA fired today evening, 219 units of social health workers will be hired.
To strengthen the emergency network, the advanced medical stations and the 12am facilities, 165 new drivers will also be hired.
Finally, 26.5 million euros are allocated, divided through a forecast budget between the ASPs and the AOs, to hire additional figures, which the companies will have to identify, necessary for the functioning of the structures.