Home bonus at 36%, goodbye to discounts on furniture and greenery. Parties in the field for incentives for household appliances and a psychologist


By John

Georgia Meloni was explicit: «The season of the bonuses“. A very clear political message that the government will have to decline point by point within Octoberwhen in the definition of the budget law it will be discovered which bonuses will survive from January 1st, which will be reduced and which will be completely eliminated. At the moment, a long list of those at risk is discounts and concessionswith the sector of house which is expected to be the most affected. Italians will probably have to say goodbye to the furniture bonusto the green bonus and to the decoder bonus and will have to deal with the sharp reduction of all discounts for the works construction. But on the table there is also the psychologist bonus (for whose renewal the parliamentary world has already spent itself) and the papers Culture or Dedicated to you.

The economic weight of building bonuses

According to the calculations of Assoutentithe set of credits linked to the building bonuses in force from the end of 2020 to 2024, it reached a total cost of approximately 220 billion euroswith a virtual weight, spread over the community, equal to 8,527 euros per family, 3,679 euros per citizenincluding newborns. The allocations for the non-construction bonusesinstead, are around 2 billion euros only in 2024.

Bonus at risk of elimination

Among those at risk of disappearing, the association first mentions theeco bonus 75% recognized for energy requalification works in single-family buildings or condominiums; earthquake bonus up to 85% for works concerning anti-seismic measures on homes and buildings used for productive activities; green bonusthe deduction IRPEF of 36% for the arrangement of uncovered green areas of private buildings. The reviled super bonus will instead undergo a sharp reduction, going from 70% to 65% and only for condominium works approved by 17 February 2023, documenting the expenses by 29 March 2024.

Resizing of building bonuses

In general to survive and collect all the others building discounts it will be the renovation bonus which however will go from 50% on an expenditure equal to 96 thousand euros at 36% on a maximum of 48 thousand euros. Enough to set off the alarm bells of the unions: reducing incentives for energy efficiency and for the renovation of houses, “in total contradiction with the same European policies and related funds”, underlines the Fillea-Cgil«it would be a huge mistake to the detriment of citizens, workers and businesses».

Uncertain fate for the furniture and psychologist bonus

The fate of the furniture bonus and household appliances, the tax contribution for the purchase of furniture and washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators of a higher class and less impactful on electricity. On the latter, however, there are those in the majority who have already taken action: the Alloy he defines it as a ‘good and virtuous’ incentive and to renew it he has presented a bill that the first signatory Alberto Gusmeroli he hopes it can be absorbed into the maneuver.

The situation of the psychologist bonus

Similar situation for the psychologist bonus introduced in 2022. The intention to renew it is shared but money is needed: last year, funds were allocated 10 million which will now have to be found again.