The project for the partial basin plan of the southern Apennines hydrographic district for the structure, mitigation and management of risk has been the subject, in recent days, of in-depth discussion between all the actors involved to incorporate observations and proposals with the objective of resolving all the critical issues and doubts raised in recent days by professional associations and local authorities.
All the Departments of the Region and the Bodies interested in the proposed Plan (Environment, Infrastructure, Forestry, Civil Protection, Agriculture, Green Calabria and Reclamation Consortium), coordinated by the Councilor for the Environment of the Calabria Region, Giovanni Calabresewith the active contribution of the regional councilors Gianluca Gallo (Agriculture), Marcello Minenna (Budget), e Maria Stefania Caracciolo (Public Works), in order to achieve an informed sharing of the Plan with the municipal administrations and with the professional associations, they met with the representatives of the District Basin Authority, where all the technical and regulations referring to the potential impacts of the Plan on the regional territory.
“At the end of the discussion – informs councilor Calabrese – a possible course of action was shared which sees as a priority the modification of the new technical implementation standards related to the draft plan, so that they can be implemented by the deadline for observations and, that is, by January 20, 2025.
Once reviewed and evaluated, the rules will be brought to the attention of the operational Conference and, subsequently, to the permanent institutional Conference by the District Basin Authority, so that they can immediately assume the value of safeguard measures for all areas subject to danger and risk identified by the Draft Plan in question. It was also agreed to ask the operational conference and the permanent institutional conference for more time for technical observations on the constraints; to guarantee the joint availability of the Region and the Authority to provide support to the municipal administrations in in-depth investigations and preliminary investigations for the compatibility of interventions in the areas at risk and danger”.
“Furthermore – continues the representative of the Occhiuto Council -, the Basin Authority will proceed with the evaluation and possible implementation of individual proposals for redefinition changes, concerning limited and specific areas which present particular conditions for immediate revision, according to an adequate path technical-legal which will involve all the competent bodies already during the phase of presentation of the observations. However, even after the deadline for submitting observations to the draft Plan, it will always be possible to submit requests for the updating, modification and/or variant of the Plan documents but they will follow the ordinary process provided for by articles 34 and 35 of the implementing rules and safeguard measures”.
Finally, the Calabrese councilor specifies that “what was briefly represented was anticipated at the operational conference in the session on 12 December last, which was attended, among others, by the representatives of the Calabria region.
The path, prefigured, will be brought to the attention of the operational Conference in its entirety, at subsequent moments, and always at the end of the observation periods, and subsequently to the permanent institutional Conference.
These initiatives – concludes councilor Calabrese – in the spirit also hoped for by President Occhiuto, will allow us not to penalize all investments in the territory which at the moment represent the true driving force of development of our region”.