In Calabria 742 million euros of investments in optical fiber in 294 municipalities


By John

Fibercop work for optical fiber in the Region has started in 294 municipalities in Calabria. This is what a note from Fibercoop announces, recalling that investments amount to 742 million euros, both direct and from Pnrr. Around 56% of the expected numbers are already connected by June 2026. The objective is to provide ultra-fast connections to over 341 thousand house numbers in 404 municipalities in the region. «The new infrastructure we are creating will allow browsing at the speed of 1 Gigabit per second – declared Roberto Chiappini, Operations Manager South Area of ​​FiberCop – which means enabling a wide range of digital services from which citizens, businesses and administrations will be able to benefit local”. «This is a large-scale intervention that requires the collaboration of all the parties involved, i.e. institutions, local authorities and businesses, and particular attention also to the orographic characteristics of the territory».