A written question was asked by the regional councilors Raffaele Mammoliti (Democratic Party) e Antonio Lo Schiavo (Mixed group – Freely progressive) to the President of the Region, Roberto Occhiutoalso in his capacity as ad acta health commissioner in Calabria, regarding the serious inconveniences suffered by users of the territorial pharmacy of the ASP of Vibo Valentia.
The questioning councilors explain, in the introduction, that «reports are coming from many quarters that highlight a very problematic situation within the premises that house the local pharmacy, which translates into serious and daily inconvenience for users. Being frequented, most of the time, by frail and suffering people and with particular health problems, local pharmacies should be hospitable and welcoming places and should be structured in such a way as to provide their service with continuity and efficiency. TO Vibo Valentia, on the other hand, the territorial pharmacy, to which the population of the entire province refers and converges, is based in a room that has the features of a real “basement”. And it is a “basement” without waiting rooms for users (forced to wait their turn in the external courtyard, arranging themselves in long lines under the scorching sun in summer and under the rain and wind in winter) and which is kept in evidently inadequate hygienic-sanitary conditions. It also happens – explain Mammoliti and Lo Schiavo – that users, after having endured long queues and unnerving waits, inexplicably do not obtain the medicines they vitally need or obtain a smaller quantity than that prescribed in the treatment plans. The frequent failure or insufficient supply of medicines by the local pharmacy of the ASP of Vibo Valentia is now a well-known fact which often appears in the daily newspapers dealing with “medical malpractice” in the Vibo Valentia area. News which has finally highlighted the disconcerting case of a father to whom the territorial pharmacy of the ASP of Vibo Valentia did not provide a “life-saving” medicine, necessary to avoid the real risk of death of his son, suffering from a serious form of food allergy, because “he didn’t even own a box”. The very serious structural, hygienic-sanitary, organizational and management critical issues found in the territorial pharmacy of the Asp of Vibo Valentia and which inevitably translate into the malfunctioning of the same, are emblematic of a healthcare system which, in the province of Vibo Valentia, is now literally “imploded”. And whoever governs it does not seem, to date, to want to bring it back to a framework of efficiency and civility.”
Therefore Mammoliti and Lo Schiavo, in the question, addressing the president-commissioner Occhiuto, ask to know: «what useful and urgent initiatives does it intend to adopt, immediately, in order toeliminate the aforementioned very serious critical issues existing in the local pharmacy of the ASP of Vibo Valentia; if the aforementioned useful and urgent initiatives are also aimed at verifying the sufficiency of the healthcare and administrative staff working in the territorial pharmacy of the ASP of Vibo Valentia”.