The income limit from employed and para-subordinate work that can be had in 2024 while maintaining unemployment benefits rises to 8,500 euros. INPS clarifies this with a message.
The 2015 legislation allows, for Naspi, the possibility of cumulation with income deriving from subordinate, semi-subordinate and self-employed work, while for Discoll (the subsidy for collaborators) the possibility of cumulation with income deriving only from para-subordinate and autonomous nature, provided that such activities do not generate an employment income exceeding the minimum amount excluded from taxation, providing for both benefits the obligation for the insured to communicate the presumed annual income to INPS.
Legislative decree 30 December 2023, n. 216 modified the amount of income excluded from taxation (so-called no tax area) foreseen for holders of employee income. The annual income limit from employee/parasubordinate work is equal to 8,173.91 euros for 2023 (unchanged compared to 2022) and equal to 8,500 euros for 2024.
The annual income limit from self-employment is equal to 5,500 euros for the years 2023 and 2024 (unchanged compared to 2022). INPS reminds you that occasional work benefits are compatible and cumulative with Naspi and Discoll unemployment benefits within the limit of 5,000 euros and that, in this case, the recipient of the aforementioned allowances is not required to make any communication to the Institute regarding the presumed annual income.